
Bringing Back Dinner Table Topics!

We, the Counseling Department, would like to bring back a pre-covid practice we have missed dearly. Every other week, we will be posting “ Dinner Table Topics ” for CKMS families! If you’ve fallen into the regular “How was school?” - “Fine.” cycle that is far too common in the middle school world, we will offer you some more open ended, specific to fun or important things happening at school conversation starters! Our first - Welcome back from break! Students and staff, and I’m sure parents, are all getting back into the swing of things. Sometimes looking at the long stretch from January to our next break in April seems a bit daunting, but the counseling department thinks it is a great time to get into some awesome habits. With the daily and weekly grind lasting so long without interruption, students can develop and maintain really healthy routines. What does each after school day look like? When do I schedule in my free time? How many hours am I working on homework each day? Are you p...

High School and Beyond!

Fresh Start Second Semester

Strength in our Diversity

Habits and Routine Time!


Stuff the Bus Fundraiser

Veterans Day

The Great Shake Out

Spirit Week and the Cub Community

ASB Elections

Grading Has Begun!

Welcome Back!