This past Wednesday, your student’s enrichment class changed. Enrichment is the small 30 minute block between 3rd and 4th period on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. It is a non- graded class and is meant to be a fun, helpful break in your child’s day. Throughout the year, students will have 6 different enrichments, giving them the opportunity to try something new every 6 weeks or so. Students register for 12 different enrichment options of interest, and they are placed in one of those options each rotation. Sometimes, they don’t get their top choices. It is our policy that students try their new enrichment classes for one week before requesting a new one. We do this to encourage students to try new things, meet new people, and push the boundaries of their comfort zone in a safe and fun environment. This would be a great Dinner Table Topic for the week: Trying new things! When is the last time your student tried something new, unfamiliar, or even uncomfortable? Have you, as a family, had to do something like this - perhaps made a move? How should we handle new things? How do we keep an open mind? Have we ever been surprised with how much we liked something new? Encourage your student to take a leap of faith, learn, and grow from a new experience! Enjoy your conversations! And, as always, we’re here if you have questions or concerns. David Keller (360)662-2344; Morgan Collins (360)662-2343; and Linda Roberts, Counseling Secretary, (360)662-2340.
Enjoy your conversations! And, as always, we’re here if you have questions or concerns. David Keller (360)662-2344; Morgan Collins (360)662-2343; and Linda Roberts, Counseling Secretary, (360)662-2340.
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