This Holiday Season, schools across the CK district have joined together to help provide for homeless kids in Kitsap County. “Stand Up for Kids”/”Stuff the Bus” is a local organization dedicated to helping homeless and street kids in Kitsap County. We will be having a 1st period class competition for the classes that brings in the most items. Top 3 classes (by percentage) will win donuts to be delivered to their class on Dec 15 The competition will run from 12/4 through 12/8. Let’s STUFF the BUS !! Items needed: Food: boxed juices, bottled water, cup noodles, crackers, raisins, peanuts, granola bars, cookies, canned goods, Supplies: hooded clothing, socks, hats, scarves, gloves, undergear, chapstick, shampoo & conditioner, travel-sized toiletries, duffel bags, gas & fast-food coupons. Regardless of if you participate in the drive, the counseling department thinks this would be a great dinner table topic! Does your kid know that we have homeless youth here at CKMS? What do you think students who are in that situation need at school? What do they need from their friends? How would they like to be treated or judged? Every student can make CKMS a more welcoming place by avoiding assumptions or judgement about one of their friend’s wealth or living situation. This would be a great conversation to follow our gratitude talk of last week!
Enjoy your conversations! Thank you veterans and active duty military for your service! And, as always, we’re here if you have questions or concerns. David Keller (360)662-2344; Morgan Collins (360)662-2343; and Linda Roberts, Counseling Secretary, (360)662-2340.
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