Habits and Routine Time!

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Welcome back from break! Students and staff, and I’m sure parents, are all getting back into the swing of things. Sometimes looking at the long stretch from January to our next break in April seems a bit daunting, but the counseling department thinks it is a great time to get into some awesome habits. With the daily and weekly grind lasting so long without interruption, students can develop and maintain healthy routines. What does each after school day look like? When do I schedule in free time? How many hours am I working on homework each day? What time do I go to bed/wake up? What kind of foods am I eating for breakfast and lunch? Chat with your family about setting up some great routines, forming some healthy habits, and rocking time management.

Enjoy your conversations! And, as always, we’re here if you have questions or concerns. David Keller (360)662-2344; Morgan Collins (360)662-2343; and Linda Roberts, Counseling Secretary, (360)662-2340.
